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Knowledge base Article
Google recently made a change to the API authentication method which has resulted in new Rclone connections giving the following error when you try to configure Google Drive on Seedboxes. This guide provides step by step guidance on what needs to be done as a workaround.
Important: All steps are to be performed on a local machine (not your seedbox). The Google Drive configuration will eventually be migrated to the Seedbox in the very last step in this guide.
Step 1: Setup Google OAuth
Go here:
Create a new project:
You can give it any name. Leave organisation blank
Enable the Google Drive API in the Google Cloud Platform
Keep this window open to get through the next steps with ease:
Step 2: Configure Google Drive in Rclone
Download Rclone for Windows:
Extract the zip file to your Desktop:
Copy the location line
Open Command Prompt:
> cd <paste the location from the previous screenshot> [enter]
> Rclone config [enter]
Follow the screenshot steps:
Chrome/ Browser window will open locally. If you have multiple Google accounts, it will ask you which one you’d like to use. Use the account that was used in Step 1 of this guide:
You may be prompted to verify yourself
Step 3: Copy the RClone Config to your Seedbox
Once completed you can find the rclone.conf in one of the following locations:
Copy the rclone.conf file from the above locations to your seedbox location:
You can now use your newly configured Google Drive on your seedbox (you may need to restart the rclone app before it will be picked up).